ACUPUNCTURE: Acupuncture is the gentle insertion of very fine, single use filiform needles into targeted points on the body. The goal is to stimulate healing processes in the body and emotional wellbeing, restoring homeostasis. This occurs by stimulating the peripheral nervous system, which increases blood circulation to decrease pain and inflammation, activates the endocrine system, and calms the nervous system, balancing the body and mood. Each patient is assessed and diagnosed based on patterns in the body, and acupuncture points are selected according to their unique diagnosis. The primary acupuncture meridians are each associated with an organ and emotion, allowing treatments to target physiological or emotional imbalances, as well as pain located along those pathways.
GUA SHA: Gua means to scrape and sha refers to the resulting redness. This is a traditional modality used to increase blood circulation and decrease inflammation. Benefits aredecreased pain and muscular tension, increased range of motion, as well as improving respiratory conditions. A gentler form of gua sha is used for facial rejuvenation
FACIAL REJUVENATION: Acupuncture facial rejuvenation is a natural alternative to cosmetic surgery and injections. It is more than just a cosmetic procedure. While the focus is on your skin, you will be assessed and treated according to your Chinese Medicine diagnosis. Benefits include increased firmness and muscle tone, decreased fine lines, increased circulation which brings moisture and nutrients to the face, reduced puffiness, increased collagen production, hormonal balancing, and stress reduction. Facial acupuncture is followed by a gentle gua sha treatment. For optimal results, facial rejuvenation treatments are done weekly for 10-12 visits.
CUPPING: Cupping is the application of glass or plastic cups by using a flame or a pump to create a vacuum. By decompressing the skin and underlying tissues, it brings a fresh blood supply to the area, aiding in fluid metabolism. Increasing blood circulation resupplies the tissues with oxygen and other nutrients, and clears cellular (inhibitory) waste products. This can help with injuries, chronic pain, muscle soreness and fatigue from exercise, and can even help respiratory issues by boosting the immune system.
MOXIBUSTION: Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy. It involves the burning of mugwort in various forms to warm and move the qi in the meridians. It can be used to enhance the activity of needles, move stagnation, decrease pain, boost the immune system, and warm cold conditions.
AROMA ACUPOINT THERAPY: AAT is the gentle application of essential oils on acupuncture points. Specific oils and and acupuncture points with similar functions are selected to treat the individual’s Chinese medical diagnosis. It is a great complement to acupuncture treatments, and is also profound on its own. Benefits are relaxation and grounding, emotional balance, digestive support, hormonal support, pain reduction, immune system support, and more.
CELLUMA: The Celluma is an LED (light emitting diode) therapy device that has been cleared by the FDA for use in pain management and skin care. Photons are emitted and absorbed in the mitochondria and cell membrane, increasing ATP synthesis. This increased energy is used for metabolic processes to synthesize DNA, RNA, proteins, and enzymes needed for cellular regeneration, repair, and homeostasis. Benefits include increased collagen and elastin for anti-aging and wound repair, diminishes acne bacteria to clear breakouts, and increases circulation and decreases inflammation to reduce pain and stiffness in joints and muscles.